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What You May Not Have Known About Hummus

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For anyone who has enjoyed aroma of roasted garlic hummus dip wafting from the kitchen, they may be surprised to learn that hummus, which is now a dominant force in the spreads and dips industry, was not always the refrigerator powerhouse it is today. It was first introduced to the United States in the mid 1960s and 1970s but was somewhat cast aside as a heath food and relegated to the shelves of small health food stores throughout the country. This was most likely due to the nutritional value found in the average hummus dip. The traditionally Middle Eastern spread which is made of chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice and salt, is said to have a percentage of the recommended daily intake of calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and potassium.

Many like to experiment with different variations and hummus spread recipes. Roasted garlic hummus dip and roasted red pepper hummus dip are perennial favorites at family gatherings and book club. Both of these dips contain the same ingredients as the basic hummus dip but add their individual, special ingredients. For those wishing to prepare the roasted garlic hummus dip, simply combine all the above mentioned ingredients as well as delicately roasted garlic into a food processor and mix. If you don’t want your entire kitchen smelling of garlic, you can be sure to find roasted garlic hummus dip in most grocery stores. Good refereneces.

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