It’s a good time to be a foodie, and not because it’s easier than ever to post a picture of your meal on Instagram. No, it’s a good time to be a foodie because the culinary world is going through a remarkable renaissance in the 21st century.
Many of the most popular food dishes in the world have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years, ever since the first trade routes opened up and spices, seeds, and herbs started crossing borders, leading to an incredible culinary cross pollination around the world. While the best chefs can create exciting new dishes that quickly become popular staples (chicken tikka masala, anyone?), it’s much rarer for chefs to find new ingredients.
That’s what makes the latest trend in the culinary world so exciting. Micro greens are a new addition to the menu, but one that’s becoming widespread on menus in the U.S. and Europe. There have been a few exciting trends in the upscale restaurant world recently. While molecular gastronomy was all the rage a few years ago, the idea of eating dinner in the form of flavored foam never quite went mainstream. However, the farm-to-table concept has only become more popular, as more eaters demand fresher greens, fruits, and vegetables on their dinner plate.
Microgreens obviously fall into the latter trend, and this specialty produce has given many chefs a new ingredient to play with. So what are micro greens?
Micro greens are sometimes called petite greens, and they’re generally defined as the miniature form of greens like vegetables, herbs, lettuce heads, and other plants. NO longer than one and a half inches, micro greens are cut just above the soil so they include the plant stem and leaves. Usually, micro greens contain both developed and partially developed leaves attached to a stem. Organic micro greens are grown using organic farming methods, which avoid certain pesticides and meet higher growing standards.
The best micro greens also come with a powerful flavor, which has made them a versatile addition to a number of dishes, from raw plates to salads and even deserts. These tiny, tasty greens were first sold in Europe 20 to 30 years ago, and have only recently migrated onto American menus. However, they’re quickly becoming a popular ingredient among chefs looking to add something new to their culinary creations.
While some organic foodies claim that organic micro greens contain more nutritional value than mature vegetables and greens, so far these claims are unproven. But these plants aren’t becoming popular simply because they’re good for you, but because they simply taste good.
In 2016, organic micro greens are the ultimate way to eat green.