They say that big things come in small packages. This saying holds true for microgreens, miniature vegetable greens that can add a whole lot to to a dish’s flavor and visual appeal. You’ll most likely find microgreens at higher-end restaurants, where flavor and aesthetic are equally as important. You can also purchase microgreens from farms that specialize in growing them. This way you don’t have to grow microgreens to enjoy them!
What are Microgreens?.
Microgreens are little vegetable greens that became prevalent in the 1980s, and are now frequently used by specialty food distributors. There are several types of microgreens. In fact, there are as many kinds as there are vegetables, because microgreens are simply vegetables at their very young state. They’re called “micro” because they are even smaller and younger than baby vegetables. There are pea microgreens, spinach, kale, beet, you name it! Farmers who grow microgreens have to keep in mind the quality of their vegetables, since microgreens are typically rated on a scale of 1 to 5. Those with ratings of 3 and above are deemed okay for distribution.
Why Microgreens?.
Microgreens visually spice up a dish while also adding flavor. Their vibrant colors can make for some real eye candy, and their delicious flavor brings the point home. Some microgreens are sweet and others are spicy. So depending on the dish, different kinds of microgreens with be used. They are not typically the main event of a dish, but rather used for creating accents to bring out the flavors of the meal. But they’re tasty and nutritious on their own as well, of course! Microgreens are also good for business, especially for fine dining establishments, where they are frequently used. In fact, visits to these establishments has increased 3% in the past year, meaning more people are enjoying microgreens.
Specific Uses for Microgreens.
You might be wondering about what specific dishes microgreens are used for. They’re often found in salads, either serving as the main vegetable or as an underscore to larger ones. Adding microgreens to salads is a great way to add flavor and texture! Microgreens also add flavor and texture to all kinds of sandwiches. Steak, chicken, and fish entrees can benefit visually from the addition of microgreens, and these little vegetables can also add a touch of spice to the meat.
With all of these culinary possibilities, you might be tempted to grow microgreens in your own home or yard, but this isn’t necessary. Microgreens can be purchased from several manufacturers, as well as found in a variety of eating establishments. Consuming microgreens from these sources ensures that what you’re eating is of good quality, since it must pass the scale before it reaches your plate! So go out and enjoy these little tasty veggies with your salad, sandwich, or steak!