The restaurant industry has long been a staple in the culture of the United States. There is a huge importance placed upon the restaurant industry, from fine dining to the casual or even fast food dining experience. Food is eaten not only for sustenance, but for pleasure. In any given restaurant (though particularly those that specialize in the fine dining experience), presentation and plating are nearly as important as the actual taste of the food itself – it has been said that first we eat with our eyes, before even tasting the food that has been placed in front of us. As the average person in the United states will spend nearly thirty dollars on the typical fine dining experience, it is important that the whole entirety of the dining experience is a positive one.
The restaurant industry frequently employs the use of organic micro greens to add to the overall presentation of a plate or dish. Organic micro greens have long been utilized by many types of restaurants in the industry, dating back to thirty years. Organic micro greens have many uses when it comes to plating and adding decoration to a plate, as they are simply small and edible greens that originate from vegetables that are very early in their stage of growth, or likewise herbs or other such plants. Organic micro greens are typically very small (hence the very apt name), at typically only one and half inches long at the most, including the stem and leaves in this measurement. Uses for microgreens have a wide range, and can add something special both in flavor and appearance to many different dishes all throughout the restaurant industry.
Though it may seem like organic micro greens are easy to use as a little something extra, they must be cared for with a good deal of precision in order to remain to the quality expected for restaurant use. They are even graded on a scale from one to five. Organic micro green varieties that receive a score of five are considered to be the most excellent, while micro herbs and micro greens with a score of one are widely to be considered of the lowest possible quality. If organic micro greens receive a score of less than three, they are considered to be not of a quality that should be sold or used in restaurant environments.
Caring for organic micro greens to a high standard can help to guarantee that they will ultimately receive a good quality score and be able to be used in restaurant settings. Storing them at the proper temperature is an important component of proper care of micro greens. Ideally organic micro greens will be stored at temperatures between thirty eight degrees Fahrenheit and forty degrees Fahrenheit. They should be stored in their own container and the temperature should not be lowered below the designated degree, as this can damage the quality of the microgreens. This can be seen clearly in basil, which will turn brown if exposed to temperatures that are too cold for it.
Micro greens can be hugely instrumental in the overall appearance of dishes in any restaurant setting, from the casual dining experience to more expensive fine dining dishes. Micro greens add a little something special, improving the look of a plate and adding a little zing of flavor. However, it is important to care for your micro greens well if you wish to use them in a restaurant, as they must first receive an adequate quality score of three or above. Storing them correctly and at the right temperature will be instrumental in this process.