Once considered a cultural peculiarity, sushi has since spread from Japan, becoming a top cuisine for people from all parts of the world. Nowhere has sushi found a more welcoming foreign home, perhaps, than in the United States. According to IBIS World, the sushi industry in the U.S. earns an annual revenue of $2 billion, and it’s expected to grow 1.6% by the end of 2013.
As with anything that becomes popular, there are both poor imitations of the original, hoping to make a quick dollar, and there are those which can accurately be included among the best sushi restaurants in the world. For all those interested in finding the latter, there are three steps to follow, beyond the quality of the food, that can help locate only good sushi restaurants.
Beware of “No Refund” Signs
Tofugu, a popular Japanese language and culture blog, recommends sushi fans stay away from any restaurant that has a “No Refund” sign in the window when trying to find a sushi restaurant. Ask yourself, how many refunds would customers have to ask for before it’s too much for a business to stand? Why would customers ever need to ask for a refund if the food is good? It may not necessarily be the case, but a “No Refund” sign is a good giveaway of a low-end sushi place.
It’s All About the Sushi Chef
The most important factor in great sushi is the chef. Consider, as The Daily Beast writes, Jiro Ono, one of Japan’s most famous and beloved sushi chefs, has been preparing sushi for 67 years and still considers himself less than a master. The point is, creating the perfect sushi comes only after years of trial and error. A chef’s skill will certainly show through in the flavors of each piece.
Restauranteers, a food and hospitality industry blog, suggests that a chef’s ability to craft your enjoyment goes beyond their skill with rice and a blade. If you’re lucky enough to find a sushi restaurant with a great chef, they can help you find types you love, and they can turn an evening out into an unforgettable experience.
A Clean Restaurant Means Better Food
As Willamette Week suggests, cleanliness is crucial to a great sushi restaurant. Sushi itself is made up of clean, striking flavors, like wasabi, yellow tail, and the like. A filthy restaurant is the best way to muck up the experience. Further, since raw fish, a component of many popular types of sushi, needs to be handled in a clean work environment to avoid bacillus cereus and other food-borne bacteria, according to LiveScience, eating only in clean restaurants can be the key to leaving with a full stomach, instead of a sick one.
There’s a reason why sushi is so popular across the world; it’s absolutely delicious. Use these three tips to make sure you find a sushi restaurant that is as particular about flavor, quality, and safety as you are. Helpful sites.