Hosting a holiday party can be a great experience and you can get as intricate or simple as you like depending on what type of party your hosting and who it is for. There are millions of options available to you and the party can be as long or short as you desire just remember to plan accordingly thinking of everyone attending and how you will entertain for the amount of time allotted. These are the most important things to think about when hosting and planning your next birthday party, office party or holiday party:
1. Who are you planning for? Is this a child friendly holiday party or adult only party with alcoholic beverages? If you plan on mixing the two like a wedding reception make sure to consider having a safe and comfortable place for the kids to be when the adults have begun their party. Always ensure there is sober supervision for children just in case somebody needs a ride home or there is an emergency that occurs that requires an adult who is thinking clearly. Plan the holiday party with everyone in mind and you won’t have any problems.
2. What types of food will you be serving? This is where you can get really creative and make themed food and drink or keep it simple with comfort food, finger foods and appetizers. Another great way to feed a large party is to have everyone sign up for potluck items to take some of the pressure off yourself as a host. You can also hire a food caterer to bring in every item making it even easier for you to focus on other party activities.
3. How will your party be entertained? Do you plan on having dinner and dancing? Would you have games and photo booths set up? Depending on who your party is for you can find infinite options available. Just consider the age of the group and which activities would be the funnest, remember adults like games and clowns to and you can find many kinds of adult games or hire an adult clown that tells grown up jokes and does grown up tricks. Entertaining large groups of mixed ages doesn’t have to be hard sometimes you need to think outside the box.
4. How will you invite your guests? Did you know there are multiple ways you can invite people to parties these days? You can email everyone, text them, mail invites, use a special delivery service, create tickets, and so much more. Inviting people to a party needs to be timed right as well, do not leave it to the last minute if you actually want your guests to come. Many people lead such busy lives they need a few weeks to be able to take the day off, find a sitter, travel, or otherwise make time for social get togethers.
5. Never underestimate the power of a thank you. Being thanked for coming to any party is always a great feeling. Remember these guests took time out of their busy schedules to be with you. A thank you can be a goodie bag to all the guests, a draw for a prize at the end of the night, a personal hand written note or even an email or text message the next day thanking them for being a part of your holiday party.
Have fun planning your holiday party and remember that is the most important part of any special event.