It seems there’s always a new, crazy food trend coming out now. Social media makes it incredibly easy for things to become viral in very short amounts of time, and the foodie community has grown almost exponentially in the last decade. Fennel pollen, however, isn’t a new thing. Many people have used it for years, but thanks to those social media trends and foodie growth, it’s becoming more and more popular.
To start out with the obvious question of what it is, fennel pollen is a dry herb that has explosive flavor. In short, it can be used to spice up nearly any dish you can think of. This versatility is why it’s becoming a staple in many pantries.
There are innumerable ways to use fennel, but some of the most popular ways are in tea, on meat dishes, and as medicine. Fennel tea is made out of bruised seeds from the fennel plant. This tea has been made since ancient times, usually as a carminative, and is said to help reduce bloating from digestive disorders. It can also be used to put a unique twist on many traditional meat dishes, and fennel flavor pairs very well with most meats.
Medicinal use of fennel goes back to ancient times as well, and the benefits of fennel are immense. Herbs contain anti-oxidants, oils, vitamins, phyto-sterols, along with other nutrients. These can help boost immunity and fight against toxins and/or germs. Herbs also have properties which have anti-spasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, analgesic, aphrodisiac, deodorant, digestive, antiseptic, lipolytic (used in weight loss), stimulant and stomachic actions when taken in certain doses.
This powerful spice has huge potential, and it’s no wonder it’s becoming an essential spice in many kitchens. Have you tried it yet? What are your thoughts?