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Health Benefits Of Peanuts

Peanut family

If you’re wondering “what can I make with peanuts?” the options are nearly limitless. From peanut butter to peanut oil, peanuts can be found in many of our food products, so even if what you’re making doesn’t directly incorporate peanuts as part of its flavor, peanuts can still be a useful ingredient. For those who wonder “what can I make with peanuts?” you may also be wondering about the health benefits of peanuts. Though you may not have previously known it, peanut products have numerous positive affects on one’s health. The health benefits of roasted peanuts and peanuts prepared in other ways are considerable.

For instance, in one study it was found that essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, and even dietary fiber were at higher levels in those who ate peanuts or peanut products, making the health benefits of roasted peanuts and the like considerable. Peanut benefits go even further and peanut protein is considerably, with just a one ounce serving of raw peanuts – only about your average handful – containing a whole seven grams of protein. The health benefits of roasted peanuts are equally ideal. Peanut products like peanut butter also contain a significant amount of protein. As an average jar of peanut butter contains more than 500 peanuts, it must be at least 90% peanut in order to be considered a true peanut butter. This means that there isn’t too much filler in peanut butter to keep it from contributing the same kind of health benefits that peanuts do. That peanuts have so many health benefits is good news for most of America. In fact, nearly 95% of all households in the United States have at least one jar of peanut butter in their pantries at all times, and the average person eats around six pounds of peanut products as well as peanuts themselves every single year. Peanut products have a long shelf life as well, which makes them much less likely to go to waste. A container of peanut oil, for instance, and last for up to a year when sealed and kept in a cool, dark space. The health benefits of roasted peanuts makes them well worth the price.

But for many wondering “what can I make with peanuts?” there is the additional question of the safety of peanuts. While peanuts have been banned from many classrooms and parents preparing class treats often have no reason to ask “what can I make with peanuts?” peanuts are, in actuality, a very safe and healthy food. Though some peanut allergies may be severe, studies have shown that around 98% of the general population, children and adults alike, are able to safely consume and enjoy peanuts and peanut products. In fact, only 4% of children and 4% of adults have known food allergies, and peanuts do not account for that entire 4%. While peanuts certainly can cause an allergic reaction, tree nuts, eggs, and sea food as also common culprits of food allergies. Peanut allergy causes can simply be genetics, but many peanut allergy causes aren’t known. It’s said that peanut allergy cause may be able to be avoided if peanuts are introduced into a child’s diet early on, but as not all peanut allergy causes are known, it is important to do so only under the supervision of the child’s physician.

For those wondering “what can I make with peanuts?” fear not, as peanuts and peanut products are diverse and can be made into many delicious treats, from peanut butter to peanut cookies. Roasted peanuts are another option, and the health benefits of roasted peanuts are significant. There are many ways to enjoy peanuts, and peanuts have the added benefit of providing key vitamins and protein to American diets. Though we do not know all peanut allergy causes and if all peanut allergy causes may some day be prevented, the vast majority of Americans can enjoy peanuts without fear. Peanut allergy causes are relatively few and far between and though peanut allergies and peanut allergy causes should be taken seriously, they are less common than many realize. The health benefits of roasted peanuts certainly outweigh the minute risk.

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